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Welcome to Pyromaniacs Incorperated-The gaming site that tells it as it is!
At Pyromaniacs Inc. we promise to do the best we can to give you: no bull reviews - reviews that tell it as it is, as many cheats as possible and we also intend to give you a downloads section where you can download share-ware and full version programmes
Finally, Pyro's inc has got its hands on a copy of GTA Vice City! Its an awsome
game and I definantly recommend you get it, I cant say too much though you'll just have to wait for the review comming soon.
If you have the game you can check out the GTAVC cheats page for some awsome cheats, we have 9 pages up and still another 9 to go! We have also just recieved
a copy of the latest excellent 007 game-007 Nightfire, another must get. Checkout the review comming in a couple of weeks.
That's about all for this week,
bye for now, Dave.
News and New Stuff last updated 22/1/03
This weeks warning is for a game called virtua striker 3 on the gamecube. This
is the most poorly made soccer game we have ever seen and we recomend u leave it alone.
Do YOU think you can do better reviews than us??? if yes or if you would
just like to give us your views on anything, email us at